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Month: May, 2014

Probabilistic Graphic Model (PGM), HMM, and Kalman Filter

by allenlu2007

前文介紹 Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 以及 Kalman filter 是一個特例。

(Linear dynamic state space Gaussian model).  本文以 PGM 觀點重新 review HMM 以及 Kalman filter.


PGM 一般分為 directed graph (有方向性) 和 undirected graph (無方向性).  

Bayesian Network (BN) 是 directed acyclic graphic (DAG), 意即有方向性但沒有 loop 的 network.

特別是 Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN), Hidden Markov Model 是其中的特例。

PGM –> BN (DAG) –> { DBN (2TBN: 2 time slice BN) –> HMM }


DBN 以及 HMM 的結構 enables recursive Bayes filtering, 只有細節上的差異。可以參考前文或 wiki.

可以直接推導 Kalman filter, particle filter, etc.


那 BN or other PGM (如 Random Markov Field) 到底有什麼用? 似乎不能得到更 general 的結果。

Answer: DBN or HMM 因為其特殊的 time unroll 結構才會有 recursive 的公式。In general BN 的 algorithm 並不會得到 recursive 的公式。

那 BN 有什麼 algorithm 可以用來做什麼 calculation?

1. independence check?

2. Conditional probability inference or MAP inference (by variable elimination or dynamic programming or optimisation)  (exact)

3. Belief propagation (approximate)

3. Sampling of inference 如 MCMC (statistical)


以上需要修正。Belief propagation on Clique tree or junction tree 可以得到 HMM or Kalman tree 公式。

Belief propagation on a chain with forward and backward propagation 應該可以得到 HMM 公式。 

Variable of Eliminiation == Belief propagation on a clique tree!!


More concrete:

Shafer Shenoy for HMM





Belief propagation: with MAP inference: Viterbi algorithm?


BP provides exact solution when there are no loops in graph! (E.g. chain, tree.)
Equivalent to dynamic programming/
Viterbi in these cases.
Otherwise, “loopy” BP provides approximate (but often good) solution.


In a chain case, the following algorithms are equivalent

Belief propagation

Viterbi algorithm




Loopy BP is good or bad?

Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) Lecture

by allenlu2007

今天把 Stanford CS professor Daphne Koller 在 coursera 的 Probabilistic Graphic Models (PGM)看了 week1,有幾點感想。

1. Koller 和 Ng 是 coursera 的 cofounders.  Koller 是以色列裔美國人。雖然 Koller 和 Ng 都有 AI 領域的專長。我比較偏好 Ng 的對於理論部份熟悉的深度以及經驗的分享。Koller 比較快節奏,有些部份如 DBN 和 HMM 的關係就沒有很清楚。However, starting from week2, I like Koller’s overall orangization and rich material.

2. Koller no doubt 是 graph 的 master, 但常常沒有給一個明確目標 why to do this 或解釋可能的應用 (如 variable elimination lecture), 很容易讓聽者陷在 tedious 的公式推導中,有點像是 textbook 的 replay.  後來發現她的確寫了一本 PGM textbook and on-line readable.


1. 分類以及 logic 清楚: 依順序為 representation, inference, learning 讓學習者有大的 picture. 一直到看完 week2 lectures 才覺得 Koller 的教學像蓋房子,一塊塊的往上疊。如果沒有耐心聽完前面,很容易 got lost.

2. Belief propagation with PGM 可以用來解釋 turbo code and LDPC code performance close to Shannon channel capacity limit.  其中 decoder1 propagate information from prior to post to decoder2.  Decoder1 bit (prior to decoder2) –> MAP of decoder2    

3. EM algorithm 實用上要注意的點如 parameter 收歛性 and over fit,local minimum, initial value.



剛好看到 prof. Sam Roweis 在台北的 tutorial lecture.  我覺得非常清楚可以和 Koller 的 talk 互補。在聽過 Koller 之前如果先聽過 Roweis 應該會對大的 picture 更有概念。不過在 Koller 之後聽也非常有幫助。

Roweis 四個 lectures (MLSS in Taipei) 是我聽過最好的 PGM lectures.

Lecture1: introduction of PGM; conditional independent == factorization


Lecture3: latent variables, clustering

Lecture4: inference, belief propagation, junction tree: 非常棒,除非你已經精通 PGM, 應該會有豁然開朗 的感覺。  p(x|e) 就是用 query node as root (x, single variable), evident node (e, multiple variables) as leaves, trim out other leave nodes (sum to 1 for non-evident leaves).  Then use message passing to from leaf to root and root to leaf.   For multiple queries (again with single variable), do the messaging passing for every node back and forth (x2) obtains the entire tree CDP.

我 check Roweis 的 background, 1999 Caltech PhD, 待過 MIT and University of Toronto, then NYU professor.  I am so surprised to know he passed away in 2010.  What a pity to such a brilliant person!